
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inaugural Sunrise

This was the scene this morning behind my house:

It is indeed a shiny new day.

We now have a new president. Let's hope the sun shines on us every morning, and that each day is better than the last.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009, the year of the frog...

I wasn’t going to post, didn’t feel the need to mark the New Year in that way, but with less than 2 hours left to the first day, I got the urge and decided not to fight it.

I’ve taken down the previous posts and archived them in my personal files. Version three of this blog was not the charm I had hoped. It wasn’t a dud either, it just hasn’t morphed into something I’m compelled to do on any type of regular basis.

So, attempt number four. On a New Year.

We all know that there was little to celebrate in 2008. We have a grand new president waiting in the wings, which I hope will bring our nation to a more even keel. He has ego (I think you have to even to simply run for president), but I think it is tempered by a lot more reality than our current commander-in-chief.

Look at the economy for other reasons why 2008 was a period in time I am more than happy to say goodbye to.

Personally, 2008 held good things as well. Early December marked one year of living with my girlfriend Catherine, and that has been awesome (and I look forward to all the rest). My sister and her husband celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary. I am working on my first novel, a licensed project which I will get into at a later date. I also should finally be signing a deal for my first comic in collaboration with my friend Andrew, we are just waiting on the publisher to look at our proposed contract changes. Another friend, Paul, and I decided to go forward with a small project which you will hear more about later in the year. Other highlights include: Ray LaMontagne delivering another great album; My acquisition of a small, but very cool painting from Bob Eggleton; John Scalzi giving us another Old Man’s War universe book; and my coming to a few decisions about 2009, which I hope will make for a better year.

The first of these decisions was to be more proactive about my future career options, so I have enrolled in a web design course for the next year and a half. It’s online (and accredited) so I can do it on my time, not struggle to drive somewhere and hope to be on time, in a class with people who don’t want to be there.

The second was to decide to cut back on what I want to get done writing. I tend to cast big plans out there for what I want to write. I then tend to not get any or much of it done (at least in a presentable form). So, for 2009, all I plan to do is finish the earlier noted novel, write the scripts for the comics mentioned after earlier noted novel, and maybe a few short stories and poems (maybe). I had a couple of great big schedules worked up for this year, and decided to scrap them all. They give me too much stress as I come up on them, and cause some guilt when they pass unfinished/not started.

The next decision was to read more. I am woefully lacking in my reading. These days books get started but often go unfinished. To solve my dilemma, I decided to read a book a week (and a comic a week as well) in the hopes of fostering a better reading habit. I mapped them out last night before and after the ball dropped in NYC – my time zone for such an event – and finished typing the list up this evening. I put no absolutes on the list as far as get it done or else (I have back up books in case of emergencies). I did pick books I have either started and then stopped, for whatever reason, or have been waiting a long time to be read. First up for books is Clive Barker’s Mister B. Gone, a book I started last fall and intend to finish this coming week (I start this process on January 5th). And in comics, I will read the first volume of Y: The Last Man.

Obviously I won’t be idle, with the web design classes, I hope to have my own site up by Winter 2010, along with a handful of project to promote on them. I’m going to take the blog slow at this point, not get myself worked up about it. For now, I’ll deliver a monthly dose of pontification, likely on the first of each month. As I get more organized, I’m sure I will reach out to the internet more.

Before I go, Catherine just read to me a bit of wisdom from one of her 2009 books to read books (she’s doing it,too!): There are five frogs on a log, one of them decides to jump off, how many are left?

The answer is five. The frog only decided to jump, he hasn’t yet.

I’ve made a lot of decisions for 2009.

Now it’s time to jump.

See you in February. Ribbit!